When it comes to dealing with studies, mathematics is often seen as the biggest obstacle. Students all over the world struggle to learn mathematics despite trying to overcome all the hurdles present in between. Even with an online tutor, successfully learning math is a feat on its own.

But students have faced a lot more problems in learning mathematics in pandemic from online tuitions. With the traditional schools and academies closed, students had to cope to learn math through online tutors.

What are some of the tips and tricks to learn Mathematics easily in 2022? We will get down to those points later on.

Mathematics and Obstacles in Learning it

Mathematics is the subject of dealing with numbers and understanding their relationship to one another. Learning Math is often considered hard because of various reasons. One of the main reasons is that you need to have perfect understandings of the concepts.

If a student fails to understand the concepts needed to advance to the next level, then the next level will become a deadlock for the same student. And eventually, it will become difficult and boring for them.

And this problem is universally dominant in traditional schooling. When we talk about online tutoring, things become worse because of the distance between the online tutor and the student. It becomes easier to lose focus even in a one-on-one tuition.

These are some of the few obstacles that you might face while learning Mathematics. But you cannot give up on learning Math if you are looking to get some good scores. So, let’s look into some cool and easy tips and tricks.

These tips and tricks can easily help you learn Math in a better way and effectively if you apply them regularly. And these are essential for you if you want to pursue STEM courses and careers.

Tips and Tricks to Learn Math Easily

There might be various reasons why you need to learn these tips and adapt to these tricks in order to learn more efficiently and with more interest. Regardless of the reason, Math is a fundamental subject for us as it is used in everyday life.

Even in online tutoring, concentrating on Math is a tough job so here are a few ways you can help yourself even while taking online tuition. These are some universal pieces of advice to better learn Math.

Practice, practice, and practice

As it is with anything you may want to learn, the most essential tip in learning Math is to practice the subject as much as possible. Math is not a mental subject in which you could solve problems in your brain alone. You have to keep solving the problems or understanding major concepts through repetitive exercises.

Being practical with Math is very important which is why daily practice is a very crucial point in drilling the concepts down into your bones.

The major point about Math practice is that it is not supposed to be an all-time practice. You can spice your study routine by slipping short Math practice in between other subjects.

Solve examples first!

As easy as it may sound, many students often forget how to complete their challenges. When it comes to Math, it is unique in its system of examples. Examples of Math problems are of high importance as they show you the path you need to traverse.

Instead of tackling the complex problem statements, you should first understand the procedure of examples and how they lead the question to the desired answer.

Keep revising the basics!

No matter how many times you might have practiced something, never be too confident about it! It is a rookie mistake that many students make when understanding the concepts and formulae in Math.

Students think that they have already revised a concept enough to remember it forever when in fact, it is the reverse in this situation. These same concepts can get weak over the course of time and eventually fade away if not revised timely. It doesn’t mean you have to revise them daily but revision is a must when it comes to a weekly study routine.

Moreover, clearing your doubts or getting the answers of your questions regarding the concepts and problem statements is just as important as revising them. So, make sure you understand the concepts completely.


To learn Math easily, you need to revise the concepts thoroughly while solving examples and practicing the solutions of problem statements. These points can help you learn Math as easily as it gets.

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