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Tag: online tutor dubai

Your First Online Tutoring Session: 5 Tips

Your First Online Tutoring Session: 5 Tips

One-on-one tuition over the internet demands commitment, tolerance, and a high level of professionalism. As an instructor, providing your pupils with the most pleasing learning experience is of the utmost significance. Most tutors know that while engagement and passion are essential, it is also important to emphasize developing a rapport with the student and gaining their trust. This is why…

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The Pros and Cons of Online Education

The Pros and Cons of Online Education

“New normal” is a phrase that has been used a lot since the pandemic. Online tools for learning are becoming more and more common in schools. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, people are learning in new ways. Educational institutions all over the world are looking to online learning platforms to continue teaching students. The way people think about education has…

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How to Polish Your English-Speaking Skills

How to Polish Your English-Speaking Skills

Students are often experts in English grammar, but they find themselves at a loss when conversing with native speakers. We are unaware that you have to do lots of listening and speaking to develop fluency in any language. Tutor Expertz will provide you with tips for improving your English-speaking skills. You could have been learning for weeks, months, or even years, but…

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