For a very long time, the education system has been stagnant with very few changes here and there. Even with the advent of private tutoring things weren’t very different. But now things have begun to take a major turn because of online tutoring.

Home-schooling and studying at your own house were not a big deal. There was just a fraction of students that studied from their homes. But online tutoring presented a different approach to studying privately. It was a cheaper and better alternative even before the pandemic hit us.

Has technology changed our education system and if yes, then how so? We will answer these questions shortly.

Technology and its Revolution

The world, as we know it, was never the same before. Humans constantly evolved throughout the history and became adept at many things. With humans, their skills evolved just like them.

With each era, humanity evolved little by little. Whether it be languages, philosophy, society, economics, politics, arts, or sciences, little by little we kept on exploring different horizons and men ventured across the oceans of experience that led us here.

We invented millions of things to ease our life or work. We learned how to touch the skies. We learned how to make medicines that cured diseases in a matter of minutes. We learned how to make a digital world that knew no boundaries. We learned how to communicate with people across seven seas in a matter of seconds.

We could see anything that existed or happened anywhere in this world and even in the space around us. We made electricity, a source of power that was once only limited to the lightning in the clouds. We created economic markets for fair trade between the buyer and seller. We ended the rule of tyrant monarchs to be replaced with kindhearted leaders.

In war and peace, we steadily progressed, learning more and more about us and the world around us. But how did we end up creating the technology that we have now?

The History of Technology

Technology was never a subject dedicated to one field of life. It would be fair to say that technology has existed with mankind from the day man was born.

From the day man made a spear for himself to hunt and fend off animals, we have progressed in the field of technology. Learning about the fire and making of the wheel were the greatest leaps of mankind in technology. Because of wheat, we learned the way of agriculture leading to other forms of food instead of meat and fruits.

Today, our technology revolves around smartphones, computers, and automated machinery. With a flick of a button, whole buildings can collapse and rise.

There have been similar advancements in the field of education. We will thoroughly discuss the technological advancements adopted by the educational systems all around the world.

Technology and Education Systems

In the field of education, children used to study using pens and paper. Teachers taught through books, blackboards and chalks. The schools alone have gone beyond that sort of technology today.

Nowadays, students use their smartphones and computers to access the information they need and learn about it. They take inspirations of models and craft their own art or science models. They no longer require books in physical form. Students are given books and notes on digital formats.

They don’t even need pen and paper now and can make notes on their computers or smartphones. Students can mark their attendance through biometric systems and their presence can be tracked in a similar way.

Teachers use projectors to project their lessons on the walls for their students. These projections can be projected on their screens as well. There is no use of chalks and blackboards anymore. If they need to write, they can just type it down or draw it on their computers.

Students don’t even need to be present in their classrooms now. They can just be present on their computers and the teachers can teach them anything while they stay on their couch or their beds.

Even the printing press has made it easy to spread notes to the students without each of them having to write it down. Not only that, xerox or photocopies have made it easier for students to copy any study material in a matter of seconds!

These are all visible technological advancements that the education system has adapted.


Education systems all around the world are using technology more than ever, especially after the pandemic. The best educational practices are being done through online tutoring that does not require anything from the student other than their interest and an internet connection.

How much has technology changed the education system and online tutoring? Surely the answer is “beyond our imaginations”. We at “Tutor Expertz” utilize this same technology and build an online tutoring platform for you to learn more, right from your cozy house! So, join our excellent online tutors who teach you with the best educational practices!

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