Are you considering hiring a tutor for your child but unsure if the time, money, or effort would be worthwhile? Tutoring may increase students’ self-esteem and motivate study, but not everyone is a good fit. Does your family find tutoring to be worthwhile? This all depends on your child, their learning preferences, and their aspirations.Find out if tutoring is a good idea for your family by reading our most recent blog. 

Statistics on the success of tutoring

Tutoring in English and math can improve academic performance.

According to a research by the Institute of Education at the University of London, private tutoring improved students’ academic performance, especially in arithmetic. Another study published in the Journal of Educational Psychology found that three times-per-week small group tutoring sessions improved reading outcomes. Small group numbers enable tutors to provide each student more individualized attention than school teachers are frequently able to, which is one advantage of tutoring.

We at Explore Learning have a track record of helping students of all academic levels achieve academic success.

However, tutoring may be beneficial for reasons other than only enhancing academic abilities.

The most crucial things a tutor may do for a student

  • An effective tutor or tutoring program may…
  • To give your child confidence in their abilities, to boost their self-esteem and social skills, to help them catch up after a break from school, to identify areas for improvement, to aid in exam preparation, to serve as a positive role model, and to encourage them to explore new interests and discover their passion.


A quality tutor or tuition program may be advantageous to adults as well as children. Employing a tutor can assist parents by…

• Getting you home faster

• Freeing you from having to provide homework assistance!

• Staying family time enjoyable; lowering parent stress; providing reassurance that your child is keeping up with their schoolwork

Does my children require tutoring?

Before you make the decision to enroll your child in tutoring, consider the following:

What academic objectives does your child have?

Are they preparing for a test like the 11 Plus? Do they wish to brush up on a particular ability, such as times tables or phonics? Or do they require more self-assurance when they transition to high school?

Whatever their objective, tutoring may be a terrific method to increase their self-esteem and aid them in understanding a challenging topic.

Your child learns best in what way?

Do you believe the special needs of my kid are being met? Each child learns in a unique way. For catch-up lessons, some children could perform better in a large classroom while others would prefer a home instructor.

For learning to take place effectively, the right environment must be found. Whether a learner prefers the vigor and camaraderie of an in-person group session or the stillness and focus of an online tutoring session, our flexible tutoring memberships have something for them.

Does hiring a tutor make sense financially?

It might be challenging to balance the requirements of your child’s education with the family budget. If the cost of tutoring is reasonable, the sessions are of high quality and are matched to the curriculum, and it helps your child develop confidence as a student, it is well worth the investment.

There are many solutions available to meet a range of budgets, even if some private coaching may appear to be pricey.

Is tutoring worth the time and energy?

You could be looking in the wrong place if finding the ideal instructor for your child seems like a time- and effort-consuming process.

To meet potential tutors and observe them in action, schedule a free online session in a few simple steps. This is a time for you to thoroughly discuss your child’s needs and to observe what an Explore Learning session might include for your needs. Once everything is set up, tutoring could help you maintain your academic progress at home while saving you a ton of time, effort, and stress. Everything your child needs for learning will be available to them in one location, and you will be able to easily monitor their progress online.

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