In a student’s study routine, they mostly focus on studying for exams because the grades of exams matter the most. With this end goal in mind, many students opt different strategies to study for those exams.

Some students have their family members help them study from time to time, others rely on their private or online tuitions. Most of the students count on their determination and study. Some students go an extra mile and use internet to help them. There are some innovative games and exercises to help you study for any subject.

But some students want to focus on their quizzes first and study for all the quizzes till they are prepared for their final exams. If you study in British schools in Abu Dhabi, you can follow our guide to prepare for quizzes.

Preparing for Quizzes Beforehand

Sometimes, students do not care much about tests or quizzes and choose to pass on them. But most students realize the importance of tests and quizzes. No matter what subject it is, quizzes help you prepare for the upcoming exams throughout the year.

Students are often found complaining how they studied for their quiz but failed to get the grades they were expected to achieve. In most cases, students actually do study before their quizzes but they are unable to prepare for the quizzes and all their effort goes to waste.

To effectively study for your quizzes and actually perform, you need to follow a few steps that can ensure the best grade possible. Let us take a closer look on these steps and see why they can be effective in preparing for quizzes.

Studying Regularly at School

Most of the time, students begin to prepare for a test or a quiz right when they see it approaching. Before and after the quiz, they do not study attentively and just do the bare minimum. And then these students get average or below average grades when they study on the eleventh hour.

As a student, you should understand that you need to study regularly little by little, and be prepared for any quiz announcement that could happen next week. You need to take notes in your classroom to be able to memorize it and revise it later.

The best way to take notes is to write down any important facts and figures discussed by the teacher or any point written on the board by the teacher.

Notes organization is a big problem as well. If you make notes and organize them properly, it will save you time later on when you are reading them to refresh your memory. You can learn which kind of note-taking techniques work for you through experimentation!

Schedules and Study Time

Making schedules can either be too easy or too hard but they help in studying a lot.

Once you are done with scheduling your study time, divide it further into subjects and topics. See which topics and subjects require more time than others for you. Devote lesser time to the topics you can easily work out.

Apart from these techniques, you can use “chunking” to break down large topics into smaller ones. This way you can memorize and prepare these topics easily instead of doing them all in one go.

You should also concentrate for a limited amount of time. Ideally, students can concentrate from 25 minutes to 45 minutes. After this focus time has passed, take a break to freshen up your mind.

Study Tactics for Each Subject

Each subject has its format of learning. If you study the subject of history the same way you study mathematics, you will probably fail your history quiz.

If you glance on your notes of each subject, you will find them all having different kinds of information. Just like that, you will need to memorize facts for some subjects while practice the questions of the other subjects to prepare for their quizzes and their exams.

Find Ways to Minimize Procrastination

Working hard is not an easy task so you might want to delay it till the last week or the last day. If you do so, you will be overwhelmed by the amount of syllabus you have to cover.

To avoid that, you should try to remain organized and follow your schedule. The best way to avoid getting distracted and leading yourself to waste time is to study for 25 minutes and rest for 10 or 15 minutes. Giving yourself proper rest will maintain your enthusiasm and energy till the final exam.


Preparing for quizzes is often a tough question but to get yourself to the final exam, you need to prepare as much as possible.

Here, at Tutor Expertz, we guide you to prepare your quizzes in the most effective way possible. Our line-up of online tutors helps you soar through your quizzes easily as well as getting an outstanding grade in your final exams. We can make you ace your tests!

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